New Haven Painters – General Manager Application

The job is located in Milford, CT.

Competency Self Assessment

Below are a list of the core competencies for this role. For each competency, you will rank yourself on a 10-point scale. 10=excellent. 1=not strong.
Selected Value: 0
Ensuring customer satisfaction and addressing escalated customer complaints and concerns.
Selected Value: 0
Onboarding new employees, providing professional development, and holding the team accountable.
Selected Value: 0
Overseeing administrative tasks, invoicing, and weekly credit card audits.
Selected Value: 0
Ability to develop a positive and effective company culture including for Virtual Assistants (VAs).
Selected Value: 0
Oversee annual budgets, regular audits, payroll, and financial forecasts.

Material Upload

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Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload 3 references (we don't need letters, just their names and position). Include their cell phone numbers and email addresses, please. Thank you!


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