Resources for Job Seekers

Learn From The Experts

The Baugher Group is now offering a comprehensive course to assist with your job search!

Searching, Applying, & Interviewing: Land Your Dream Job

Take the guess work out of your job search! Whether you are looking for your first job or you are a seasoned professional looking for new opportunities, this course provides useful tips and tricks to help you through the process. This course walks you through each step from finding positions to following up after an interview. We share what hiring managers look for and how to stand out in a competitive market.


– Click the video below to preview the course –

Course Objectives


Develop comprehensive knowledge about the current job market and where to find relevant opportunities. Gain insight from the hiring managers perspective into the application and interview process.


Take what you learned and apply it to your job search. Learn more about yourself, your employment needs/wants, and what makes you unique to help narrow down your job search and apply for the opportunities that align with your goals.


Gain confidence in your ability to navigate the hiring process. Develop effective materials and practice commonly asked questions to stand out in the application process and ultimately land your dream job.

Interested in Specialized Support?

We provide additional support including articles, resume review, and mock interviews. 

Support Packages

Many applicants find it helpful to also receive individualized feedback and support. Our team offers resume reviews and mock interviews tailored to your job search. You will meet with one of our experts to discuss your career goals and how we can help you accomplish them. Can’t decide which would be best? You can purchase all three at a discounted price.

Resume Review


Crafting the perfect resume can be tedious and nerve-wracking. What information to include? What format to use? We can help with that! We see hundreds of resumes every day. We will provide feedback for your specific industry to help you stand out amongst the crowd.

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Career Prep Bundle


Ready to invest in yourself? Purchase all three job seeker resources at a discounted price to catapult your career search. Our team of experts will help you perfect your application materials, provide career guidance, and help you hone your interview skills.

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Mock Interview


What better way to prepare than practice in a real live interview scenario? We tailor our questions to commonly asked questions for your desired position or industry. You will receive immediate feedback and suggestions to take with you into your next interview.

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Additional Articles

Learn more tips, tricks, and insights from our experts. In these articles, we share our experiences and recommendations for individuals seeking employment.

Mission Alignment

Aligning with the mission of a nonprofit organization you want to work for is crucial for job satisfaction and effectiveness. Here are steps to help you determine if you align[…]

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Ghosting…the New Normal

Notifying the employer that you are no longer interested in interviewing for a position, rather than simply ghosting (abruptly cutting off contact with someone without giving that person any warning[…]

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The Importance of a Great Cover Letter

Writing a great cover letter is crucial because it serves as your introduction and a personalized way to communicate with potential employers. It’s an opportunity to showcase your enthusiasm, qualifications,[…]

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