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Eagle Ranch – HR Director Application
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Candidate Information
First Name
Last Name
Email address
What city and state do you currently live in
If you are not close enough to commute, would you consider relocating?
The position is in-person and located in Flowery Branch. Georgia
What is the highest level of education you have completed?
High School Graduate
Associate's Degree Completed
Some Bachelors (Not Completed)
Bachelor's Degree Completed
Some Masters (Not Completed)
Masters Degree Completed
Doctoral Work in Progress
Doctoral Completed
How many years of Human Resources experience do you have?
Do you have any senior level leadership experience? If yes, please elaborate in box below
Do you have experience in board relations?
How many years of direct employee supervision do you have?
What is the largest team that you have ever led?
Please indicate your desired salary range.
$95,000 - $100,000
$100,000 - $105,000
If Selected "Other", please enter salary range here.
What would you identify as your top strength(s)?
What areas do you feel you need coaching or training to improve your skills?
Why do you want to work for Eagle Ranch?
What is your passion for and experience working with families and children in crisis?
What denomination do you belong to?
How would you describe your theology?
Describe a time when you had to trust God and walk by faith or when you sought God's guidance for a decision.
What in your view are the Biblical requirements for spiritual leadership?
Application Materials
Upload Resume
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload Cover Letter
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload Professional and Personal References
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload 3 professional and personal references (we don't need letters, just their names and position). Include their cell phone numbers and email addresses, please. Thank you!
Other Notes
Tell us if there is anything additional that you would like us to know. If we were to do reference and background checks, is there anything we should know ahead of time?