Foothills Community Christian School – Principal Application

Candidate Information

Leadership Self Assessment

For each statement, you will rank yourself on a 10-point scale. 10=strongly agree or excellent. 1=strongly disagree or not strong.
Selected Value: 0
10=Strongly Agree | 1=Strongly Disagree
Selected Value: 0
10=Strongly Agree | 1=Strongly Disagree
Selected Value: 0
10=Strongly Agree | 1=Strongly Disagree
Selected Value: 0
10=Strongly Agree | 1=Strongly Disagree
Selected Value: 0
10=Strongly Agree | 1=Strongly Disagree
Selected Value: 0
10=Strongly Agree | 1=Strongly Disagree
Selected Value: 0
10=Strongly Agree | 1=Strongly Disagree
Selected Value: 0
10=Strongly Agree | 1=Strongly Disagree
Selected Value: 0
10=Strongly Agree | 1=Strongly Disagree
Selected Value: 0
10=Strongly Agree | 1=Strongly Disagree
Selected Value: 0
10=Strongly Agree | 1=Strongly Disagree
Selected Value: 0
10=Strongly Agree | 1=Strongly Disagree
Selected Value: 0
10=Strongly Agree | 1=Strongly Disagree

Leadership Details

Material Upload

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please list name and role, cell and email address for each reference - thank you!


Please provide your social media links below. Please write N/A if you do not have one. Please make sure they are in the URL format, not the handle. For example, put instead of @baughergroup. Thank you!