Christian Union – Chief Operating Officer Application

Candidate Profile

Thanks for inviting us into this season of your life. We’d love to get to know you better through this Candidate Profile. The Candidate Profile consists of multiple sections. When you’re finished, press Submit at the bottom of the last page. Questions? Email Thanks again for trusting us with this important part of your journey. - The Baugher Group Team
Please tell us why you are interested in this position and working for Christian Union.
Selected Value: 0
0=none | 10=expert
Selected Value: 0
0=none | 10=expert
Selected Value: 0
0=none | 10=expert
Selected Value: 0
0=none | 10=expert
Selected Value: 0
0=none | 10=expert
Selected Value: 0
0=none | 10=expert



Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Please upload 3 professional references (we don't need letters, just their names and position). Include their cell phone numbers and email addresses, please. References cannot include family members. Thank you!


If you have taken any personality or gifts profiles (DISC, Leading From Your Strengths, Myers-Briggs) please upload assessment(s) here:
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.


Please provide your social media links below. Please make sure they are in the URL format, not the handle. For example, put instead of @baughergroup. Thank you! *Please Note* If you are a New York resident, please do not list your social media accounts - effective March 12th, 2024.


Submission Note:

If you encounter this error when submitting: "The form was unable to submit. Please contact the site administrator," Wordpress is likely updating. Please give it some time, clear your browser cache, and try to submit again. We also recommend copying your answers into a word document so you do not lose them, and using a Chrome browser. If you are still running into technical issues, please email